“KTK” is one the largest producers and exporters of thermal coal in Russia.

Production assets of the Company include 4 operating and 1 projected open-pit mines at Vinogradovsky production cluster in Kemerovo Region, two washing plants and a own rail infrastructure.

The Company operates a retail network in four regions of the Western Siberia and provides coal to 400 thousand households and more than 1 thousand municipal and commercial boilers.

Dynamics of mining of coal

For the 24 years of company work

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Two washing technologies: steeply inclined separation and heavy medium washing. Input capacity of 4 million tonnes per year.

Washed and high-quality D-grade coal.

  • caloricity 5 450–5 550 kcal/kg
    ash content 8%
    humidity 3%
  • caloricity 5 750–6 000 kcal/kg
    ash content 5.5%
    humidity 15%

Emissions are reduced by 12% when using washed coal instead of raw.

The volume of transportation of waste rock in the composition of coal is reduced by 250-300 thousand tonnes per year.

A closed cycle of water use with replenishment by technical waters of the Vinogradovsky tenement. Treatment plants produce potable quality water.



During 24 years of work, the company has become one of the largest coal producers Kemerovo region.

The Company produces thermal coal classified as grade D under the Russian classification, naturally low in mineral and sulfur but of a high calorific value to be used as power-generating fuel for electricity and heat production.

HEAD OFFICE: +7 (3842) 77-18-80 PJSC “Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Company”
650000, Kemerovo, 50 let Octyabrya, 4

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652673, Kemerovo region, Belovo district, Karakan, Vinogradovsky open-pit mine

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