On the eve of the professional holiday, employees of the Kuzbass Fuel Company were awarded state, departmental and corporate awards.
75 employees of the company received their well-deserved awards from the President of Russia, the Ministry of Energy, the Government of Kuzbass, the Administration of the Belovsky district and the Administration of the Prokopyevsky district.
By Presidential Decree, the honorary title "Honored Miner of the Russian Federation" was awarded to the excavator operator of the mining site No. 1 Kolchurin Alexey Alekseevich.
Yuri Vladimirovich Levak, Head of Mining Transport Section No. 2, was awarded the III degree "Miner's Glory" badge of distinction for impeccable work and long service.
The gratitude of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation is awarded to the driver of the car Artemov Vladimir Viktorovich and the driver of the bulldozer Troegubtsev Alexander Sergeevich.
Certificates of honor of the Ministry of Energy were awarded to: Inyavkin Fedor Nikolaevich, Kotova Olga Valeryevna, Koshkarov Sergey Viktorovich, Loktev Mikhail Vyacheslavovich, Frost Nikolai Mikhailovich, Antonov Vladislav Alexandrovich, Babanov Sergey Vladimirovich, Kozenko Vitaly Olegovich, Lizogub Ivan Ivanovich, Sagan Alexey Nikolaevich.
Awards of the Government of the Kemerovo region have been awarded:
- The Order "For Valiant Miner's Work" of the III degree – excavator driver Sergey Romanov
- The silver badge "Miner's Valor" - excavator driver Anuchin Alexander Vladimirovich, bulldozer driver Bakai Konstantin Viktorovich and excavator driver Nevolin Igor Vladimirovich
- Medals "For service to Kuzbass" - loader driver Alexey Anatolyevich Golokhvastov, bulldozer driver Igor Yuryevich Sokhin, excavator driver Dmitry Vladimirovich Shevelev, electrician Nikolai Semenovich Kolchegoshev, excavator driver Evgeny Anatolyevich Kucherenko, BelAZ car driver Alexander Ivanovich Davydov, loader driver Victor Eduardovich Grents
- Medal "For Faith and goodness" - Deputy. Head of the Directorate for Economics and Rationing and Remuneration – Oksana Krasulina
- Honorary diplomas of the Governor - the driver of the BelAZ Vinokurov Anton Gennadievich, the mechanic for the repair of cars Zhukov Roman Alexandrovich, the mechanic for the repair of cars Marar Alexander Viktorovich.

Traditionally, a number of employees have been awarded corporate awards:
Medals for many years of fruitful work, great personal contribution to the development of the coal industry: electric and gas welder Bagutsky Igor Sergeevich, the driver of the car BelAZ Limferov Evgeny Vladimirovich, electrician Gaibovich Sergey Alexandrovich, loader engaged in loading Zolotukhin Alexey Alexandrovich, mechanic Tenkov Alexander Grigoryevich, boiler room machinist Sonin Evgeny Gennadievich, electrician Goltsman Vitaly Viktorovich, senior mechanic Lesnikov Alexander Vladimirovich master control Frank Larisa Nikolaevna, master control Shkandretova Marina Aleksandrovna, specialist of the Department of Management for Resources and ensuring coal supplies Kaygorodova Dina Olegovna.
Medals for reliability and professionalism: head of the mining section N1 Kostochkin Evgeny Vladimirovich, head of the mining section N2 Sapronov Denis Valeryevich, head of the mining section N4 Maxim Ogryzko, electric and gas welder Konovalov Andrey Ivanovich, Chief Power Engineer Nikolay Ivanovich Evdokimov, shift supervisor Maxim Viktorovich Parenko, operator of the control panel Oksana Filippova, car driver Sattarov Rustam Valizhonovich, ecologist Sergeeva Nadezhda Viktorovna, surveyor Vorontsova Elena Minirovna.
For high professionalism, conscientious and high-quality performance of their official duties, the honorary diploma of the General Director was awarded to: Pashestyuk Ruslan Viktorovich, Torbik Oleg Vasilyevich, Kazadaev Alexey Sergeevich, Ignatiev Viktor Vladimirovich, Abrahamyan Arman Ashotovich, Kuznetsova Olga Yuryevna, Kudrina Natalia Viktorovna, Yeremeev Artur Yuryevich, Pinchuk Sergey Aleksandrovich, Usoltsev Evgeny Vladimirovich.
The ceremony ended with congratulations from the partners. The company "B-24" (the official partner of JSC "BelAZ") presented memorable gifts to the best drivers of BelAZ dump trucks – Dmitry Solovyov, Anton Vinokurov, Alexander Zakharov.