The beginning of the history of KTK Consulting LLC coincided with the transition to a new software platform “1C: Enterprise 8. Manufacturing Enterprise Management”, which provided new opportunities for the unification and standardization of production operations in various areas of activity of the KTK JSC group of companies.
“At the very beginning, a Unified Accounting Center was created from employees of all enterprises of the group of companies - a kind of working group that determines the organizational structure of the company for maintaining centralized accounting.
While creating new operating principles, we had to analyze many processes and perform operations in two systems at once: using new software and in the traditional form, in case of a technical failure.
Despite all the difficulties, in the end it was possible to create a unified automated accounting and management accounting system that systematizes data from the coal mining, freight forwarding, energy and sales areas of the enterprises of the KTK JSC group.
Thanks to interchangeability within the company’s departments and divisions, our employees gain unique experience in accounting at enterprises of various types of activities,” says Elena Nikitina, chief economist of KTK Consulting LLC.
“Before the creation of our company, the maintenance of all accounting records at the enterprises of the KTK JSC group was disjointed; each organization prepared documents and reported in its own way, which caused great difficulties in preparing consolidated statements and drawing up a holistic picture of the economic efficiency of the entire group of companies. We identified errors, eliminated duplicate operations and created a unified system of regulatory and reference information on contractors, nomenclature, and cost items. Often, in order to prepare reports on time, it was necessary to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Now everything has been brought to uniformity and significantly simplified due to the automation of business processes in almost all areas of the introduction of additional software modules based on a unified accounting system. Many accounting operations are carried out much faster, and what was completed within 3 days 10 years ago is now calculated in 2 hours,” notes Svetlana Meleshenko, head of the department for accounting for settlements with counterparties.
To maintain a high level of competence, company employees systematically undergo training in their field.
“Every December we study remotely at the Institute of Professional Accountants and receive the appropriate certificate. IT technology specialists also undergo training courses in their field at specialized training centers. Systematic additional training allows us to maintain a high level of qualifications and provide consulting services to other specialists of the KTK JSC group of companies,” shares Tatyana Tsevkolyuk, chief accountant of KTK Consulting.
The company’s general director, Natalia Karsaeva, notes that the competent and coordinated work of accounting experts and IT specialists made it possible to transform the standard 1C: UPP program package into an exclusive product: “I joined the company in 2011 as director of the IT department. Having experience in both the accounting field and programming, I was interested in finding optimal solutions for the tasks facing the team at that time. At that time, many simple accounting areas were not automated; sometimes the standard functionality of the system contradicted the accounting policies of companies, which, accordingly, slowed down the entire process of implementing 1C: UPP.
Together, we found a compromise, changed the accounting policy or “refined” the standard functionality, and created our own “unique” mechanisms in the system to optimize labor costs. This is how the EDMS system for agreeing contracts appeared, which later formed the basis for approval in the procurement accounting subsystems, treasury and many others. We began to systematically modernize the system in individual accounting blocks: interaction with tax authorities and the treasury, warehouse work, logistics, freight forwarding work, commercial activities. As a result, the system was fully adapted to the needs of the KTK JSC group of companies. In parallel with this work, we provided methodological assistance to specialists of sales companies in other regions. We made video instructions for them, conducted seminars, and provided consultations over the phone.
Now we are faced with the task of transferring all the accumulated experience into the new solution “1C: ERP Enterprise Management”. Last year we completed the first stage of implementation of 1C:ERP. Mining Industry" - a new system for automating business processes of CPC JSC. A further transition to this platform is planned in the near future."
Since this year, due to the increasing number of cyber attacks on the information resources of large enterprises and government agencies, an information security department has been created within the company's structure.
Today, KTK Consulting LLC is about 120 highly qualified specialists who work in 18 separate divisions located in 8 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Over the course of a decade and a half, the company has developed its own systematic analytical approach to decision-making on the automation of various work processes and accounting and remains a reliable support in making management decisions for the KTK JSC group of companies.
The company was created to form a unified accounting and accounting center with a centralized information infrastructure that makes it possible to systematize accounting data and manage the enterprises of the KTK JSC group.