
JSC KT was the first national company to set a well-balanced policy in the field of mineral resources management and nature conservation and is striving to organize its activity in compliance with the highest world environmental standards.

The Company holds international ISO 14001 certificate of environmental management
Since 2014 our Company has been implementing the project for introduction of a new technology of restoration of steppes after coal mining.
Landscape of Karakan Natural Reserve

Conserving the nature of Kuzbass

PJSC KTK is the leader among the Russian coal mining companies in the development and application of innovative methods of conservation of biodiversity during the development of coal fields

We are implementing environmental projects honored with the highest awards

On 6 October 2016 within the framework of MINEX Russia-2016 forum JSC Kuznasskaya Toplivnaya Company won the Russian Mining Award Contest in the Socially Responsible Company of the Year nomination. We received an award for the creation of Karakan Natural Reserve within our territory

Спасти Караканский хребет. Документальный фильм. В фильме рассказана история создания первого в РФ природного заказника на землях, принадлежащих угольному разрезу

We have created and are maintaining Karakan Natural Reserve

We take good care of the nature of the Kuzbass steppes

In 2012 in cooperation with the Administration of Kemerovo region, scientific and public organizations we created landscape natural reserve area – Karakan Natural Reserve by donating part of our lands containing the unique steppe ecosystems into the protected natural area

In collaboration with the scientists we have created Karakan Natural Reserve; we are continuing to fund the works of biological monitoring and restoration of the lands of Kuzbass steppes. Based on this research we are planning to choose the optimal method of restoration of the disturbed lands

Igor Miheev

Technical Director of PJSC KTK

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Karakan Natural Reserve helped to conserve as follows:

species of plants
4 species are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation
species of animals
listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation
rare species of birds
On-site meeting of the Coordination Committee of the United Nations Development Programme, Global Environmental Facility and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation at Vinogradovsky Open-pit Mine

Cooperation with international organizations

In 2014 PJSC Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Company, United Nations Development Programme Project and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Kemerovo region signed an agreement for the development of new approaches to the reclamation of the disturbed lands

Under this agreement PJSC KTK made a commitment to improve and develop new methods of reclamation of the disturbed lands and to conduct environmental monitoring in coal mining areas

Agreement for Coordination with the United Nations Development Programme Project and Global Environmental Facility was signed in 2012

Monitoring of photosynthesis in plants

Environmental monitoring

Since 2012 PJSC KTK has been conducting environmental monitoring of the air, soils and water of the ecosystem of the Karakan Ridge adversely affected by open-pit coal mining

During the research we work in close cooperation with the scientists of the Human Ecology Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

We are implementing two projects:

Experiment of restoration of the natural steppe vegetation of the Karakan Ridge

We develop and apply the best available technology

These days Russia sees burgeoning of necessary legal environment for the adoption of the best available technology (BAT)

PJSC KTK adopts the best available technology in its production

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An engineer is telling the pupils about the methods of pollution abatement at the Vinogradovsly Open-pit Mine

Promotion of environmental awareness among children

In collaboration with the V. Voloshina Centre of Children’s Additional Education (Kemerovo) PJSC KTK annually arranges children’s excursions to the Vinogradovsky Open-pit Mine

Project goal is to tell the children about the technology of modern mining production and the methods of pollution abatement.

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