News and events

27 May 2024

Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Company became a silver medalist in labor safety competitions

Vinogradovsky open-pit mine, a branch of Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Company, became the silver medalist in the first labor protection and industrial safety competition of MMK-UGOL.

Coal mining enterprises of the Belovsky Municipal District took part in the first labor and industrial safety competition «Safety and Success – 2024», organized by MMK-UGOL. The teams competed in five large tasks: they showed their knowledge in the field of labor protection and industrial safety, a creative approach to work, ingenuity and erudition.

The Vinogradovsky open-pit mine was represented by a team of six people: labor safety specialists Tatyana Fefelova, Ksenia Lazareva and Olga Tsuprik, technical department specialists Vladimir Kosyanov and Natalya Ashak, and paramedic Olga Chernova. Based on the results of all tests, the team took an honorable second place.

– This competition helped not only to evaluate our competencies and knowledge in the field of labor protection and industrial safety, but also to show the effectiveness of our team in a new format of cooperation and interaction in a variety of tasks and situations. It was also useful to exchange experiences with specialists from other enterprises: to see how their work is organized, to adopt and share the best practices of successful work, – shared Tatyana Fefelova, head of the department for labor protection, industrial safety, civil defense and emergency situations at the Vinogradovsky open-pit mine.